A few random JavaScript tests/demos I've written (to try to make something pretty and/or to test performance of ideal code (see below) being thrown at the JS interpreter).
- A simple fluid dynamics simulation based on the Navier-Stokes equations in javascript
- Edge detection of a video in javascript by using the new HTML5 video element and new APIs on Canvas
- A small raytracer I wrote while actually trying to learn JS. I've now optimised the triangle intersect code to an absurd degree, which you can test here. Note the only thing that has changed is how the intersection is performed, there are no even remotely sane hierarchical models in this RT :D. There is now even a version that uses the new Web Worker APIs supported by the WebKit and Gecko nightlies (animated!).
- A particle generator a wrote initially for a colleague, but later out of a desire to make it pretty. Complete with user placeable gravity wells.
- Darkness-On: yet another cheesy clone of the lights-off game. But without the pretty graphics, scoring, or the benefit of ever being completed :D
- A simple mandelbrot implementation, which i originally wrote to test the bit blitting performance of ImageData vs. pure HTML5 Canvas APIs.
- A simple JS implementation of arithmetic coding
- An implementation of a very old moment based painterly rendering algorithm